Another Weekend

As another weekend is coming to an end, I can’t help but to think how lucky I am to have such wonderful people in my life that I get to experience things with. Yesterday I spent the whole day in Santa Cruz, CA and it was my first time going there. I was glad that I got to spend a day out of San Francisco and be away from the city. I never realize how much I appreciate time out of the city until I actually leave the city. Sometimes the city can be so suffocating, so with all my fresh air that I received in Santa Cruz, I had a great lunch, and was referred to as the drink queen because of all the drinks I ordered yesterday. My reasoning being that the sun was so scorching so I needed to have a thirst quencher in hand at all times. We went to the beach and the boardwalk and enjoyed the sun on roller coasters and just plain out having a great time. I enjoyed being with all my close friends just enjoying our saturday off together. On the trip back home, it was so scenic, the ocean and the breeze outside was so nice and it reminded me of just driving through the pecan fields back in Las Cruces, NM. Just jamming out to music and singing to the top of your lungs because the windows are rolled down. It was so refreshing and rejuvenating to just be able to be free. When we got back to the city we had a really nice dinner Lower Pac-Heights and it was delicious. Overall my saturday was amazing, and I just want to say how grateful I am to have the opportunity to have amazing friends and amazing times in California that are establishing my life here. Boyfriend comes home today. Super excited 🙂 what a great weekend.

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